Sunday, December 2, 2012

TestNG with an Example

1. How to install TestNG

Steps to install TestNG
1. Open Eclipse
2. Click on Help => install new Software
3. In the Work with text box, enter this url/text, 
(Testng -
4. Click on Add button next to text box.
5. you will see TestNG added in to below text area.
6. Select it and click on next button. Go on with next window.
7. click on finish.

Steps to check if TestNg is installed in eclipse
1. In Eclips => Click on Window=>Show View
2. TestNG should appear in the list, if it does not appear, then
3. Click on other=>java. Now you should be able to see TestNG icon appearing in the list.

2. Example of TestNG

Try out the following example with TestNG.
Steps to create a Project, package and files

1. Create a Java Project
   File=>New=>Java Project (example: Sample1)

2. Create a Package.
  File=>New=>Package. (example: com.pack1)

3. Create a TestNG class.
  File=>New=>Other=>TestNG=>TestNG Class. (example: Test1)

4. Create a Build.xml file under Project Folder.
   Right Click on Project Sample1=>New=>File (example: Build.xml)

This example includes the following files.
1.   (package: com.pack1)
2. Build.xml     (create this file under Project Folder)

Write a Method under the annotaion @Test as shown below.

import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Test1 {
       public void Simple_test() {
 System.out.println("My First TestNG example");



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="New Example">

<test name="My First Test">
<class name="com.pack1.Test1"></class>

NOTE: In Build.xml file, you can give any Suite name, any class name as per your understanding. But inside class name you have to specify the correct class name with package as shown in the example.
     You can add any number of Tests inside a Test Suite tag. Each Test should contain a Test tag, classes tag and class tags.


3. Steps to RUN the java file

RightClick on JAVA file=>select RUN AS => TestNG

4. Steps to Check Reports of TestNG

1. Expand the test-output folder under Project folder in Eclipse.
2. Click on index.html.(you can find all details of test result)


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Selenium Web Driver code

Selenium WebDriver CODE


1. Browser Back and Forward (NAVIGATION)
2. Handling DRAG and DROP
3. Making Single Select in Drop down (Option List)
4. Making Single Select in Drop down (By INDEX, VALUE, TEXT)
5. Multiple Select List Box Window
6. Multiple Select List Box Window - DESELECT
7. iFRAMES - How to handle Frames in Web Driver
8. iFRAMES - How to perform action in Frames
9. iFRAMES - How to switch to a perticular Frame through index
10. TABS / New Window
11. CALENDAR popups
12. Drop Down MENU
13. Context Click (Right Click)
14. JAVA SCRIPT example
15. Multiple Elements
16. Other Browser (Internet Explorer)
17. Other Browser (Chrome)
18. PROXY settings.
19. Page Onload authentication
20. File Download
21. File Upload
22.  Java Alert

1.Browser Back and Forward (NAVIGATION)

Steps to implement Browser back and forward through Selenium Web Driver
1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Navigate to some page in website.
4. Use Selenium code to Navigate Back to Main Page.
CODE: driver.navigate().back();

WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
Thread.sleep(3000);            //delay

2.Handling DRAG and DROP

Steps to Handle Drag and Drop through Selenium Web Driver

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Create an Action object for Driver
4. Fetch and create WebElement object for the SOURCE element.
5. Fetch  and create WebElement object for the DESTINATION element.
6.Perform ACTION
  1.Click and Hold the source WebElement
  2.Move to destination WebElement
  3.Release the Element.


WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Actions act = new Actions(driver);
WebElement src = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='items']/div[1]"));
WebElement des = driver.findElement("trash"));

act.clickAndHold(src).build().perform();                //For each action we need to build and Perform

3.Making Single Select in Drop down (Option List)

Steps to make Single Select in Drop down through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the Drop Down element and create an object as WebElement.
4. Create an Select object for the Drop Down Element object.
5. Create a List and collect all Options through Select Object.
6. Create a Iterator object for the List.
7. Get the size of the List.
8. Loop through and check for required element.


WebElement element = driver.findElement("selectedCustomer"));
Select dd= new Select(element);
List<WebElement> allOptions= dd.getOptions();

//To go through the list, we can use an Iterator. 
//Iterator should be of the same type as the List
//which is WebElement in this case.

Iterator<WebElement> it = allOptions.iterator();
//Using while loop, we can iterate till the List has 
//a next WebElement [hasNext() is true]
//number of items in the list

//When you say, it points to a particular
//WebElement in the List.
WebElement el =;
 //Check for the required element by Text and click it


4.Making Single Select in Drop down (By INDEX, VALUE, TEXT)

Steps to make Single Select in Drop down through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the Drop Down element and create an object as WebElement.
4. Convert the Drop Down Element in to Select object.
5. Select by INDEX
6. Select by VALUE
7. Select by VISIBLE TEXT


WebElement customerdd = driver.findElement("customerProject.shownCustomer"));
//convert the element to select object
Select cust = new Select(customerdd);
cust.selectByIndex(1);                                       //Select by Index
cust.selectByValue("2");                                   //Select by Value
cust.selectByVisibleText("mango");                //Select by Visible Text


5.Multiple Select List Box Window

Steps to make Multiple Select in Drop down through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the Drop Down element and create an object as WebElement.
4. Convert the Drop Down Element in to Select object.
5. Select by Index(Start index) 
6. Select by Index(End index)


WebElement userdd = driver.findElement("users"));
Select usr = new Select(userdd);
usr.selectByIndex(0);                     //Select by Index(From Start location)
usr.selectByIndex(2);                     //Select by index(To End Location)


6.Multiple Select List Box Window - DESELECT

Steps to make Deselect in Drop down through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the Drop Down element and create an object as WebElement.
4. Convert the Drop Down Element in to Select object.
5. Select by Index(Start index) 
6. Select by Index(End index)


WebElement userdd = driver.findElement("users"));
Select usr = new Select(userdd);

//You can deselect the options
usr.deselectAll();                                          //Deselect ALL selected elements
usr.deselectByIndex(0);                              //Deselect By using Index
usr.deselectByValue(value);                       //Deselect By using Value
usr.deselectByVisibleText(text);                 //Deselect By using Text


7.iFRAMES - How to handle Frames in Web Driver

Steps to get Source of each iFrame through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Make a List containing FRAME web elements of a Web Page.
4. Get the Size of Frames.
5. Loop though and print the Source of each Frame


/*times of india website - multiple frames*/


driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

List<WebElement> frms= driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));   //Frame List

for(int i=0;i<frms.size();i++)

8.iFRAMES - How to perform action in Frames

Steps to perform Action in iFrame through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch iFrame element and create an Web Element object.
4. Using iFrame Web Element object, switch to IFrame.
5. Perform SendKeys/ Click action in iFrame.


WebElement ifr = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[@src='/poll.cms']"));
driver.switchTo().frame(ifr);                                     //Switch to iFrame
driver.findElement("mathuserans2")).sendKeys("8");  //Perform Action in iFrame


9.iFRAMES - How to switch to a perticular Frame through index

Steps to switch to perticular iFrame by index through Selenium Web Driver.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Make a List containing FRAME web elements of a Web Page.
4. Get the Size of Frames.
5. Switch to required iFrame through index.


driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

List<WebElement> frms= driver.findElements(By.tagName("iframe"));



10. TABS / New Window

When Browser opens in a new window or in a new tab, Web Driver cannot shift the control to the new Window/ Tab. We need to collect the window handles in a page. Whenever a new window opens we need to iterate and shift to the latest window handle.

TABS/New Window - 1

Steps to iterate through the Window Handles

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Collect Window Handles through Set<String>
4. Create an iterator to iterate through Window Handles.
5. At First iterator will not be pointing to any Window Handle, only First increment Points to First Window Handle, Second increment Points to second iterator.

Set<String> windowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = windowHandles.iterator();

TABS/New Window - 2

When two browsers are opened and Web Driver need to shift the control from Parent Window to Child Window. 

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Collect Window Handles through Set<String>
4. Create an iterator to iterate through Window Handles.
5. Increment the iterator and store the Window Handle as Parent.
6. Increment the iterator and store next Window Handle as Child.
7. Switch to Child Browser using Child Window Handle.

Set<String> windowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = windowHandles.iterator();

String parentBrowser=;
String childBrowser =;


TABS/New Window - 3

When second browser is closed/you close it and Web Driver need to shift the control from Child Window to Parent Window. 

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Collect Window Handles through Set<String>
4. Create an iterator to iterate through Window Handles.
5. Increment the iterator and store the Window Handle as Parent.
6. Increment the iterator and store next Window Handle as Child.
7. Switch to Child Browser using Child Window Handle.
8. When Child browser get closed, Switch from Child browser to Parent Window.

Set<String> windowHandles = driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = windowHandles.iterator();

String parentBrowser=;
String childBrowser =;

driver.close(); //close the current window(Child Browser)
driver.switchTo().window(parentBrowser); //Switch to Parent Browser


11. CALENDAR popups

Calendar PopUp - 1

Normal Calender(current month) Popup can be handled in the following way.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the Calender element and click to open.
4. Fetch the required date through xpath and click.

/*IRCTC calendar*/
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='CalendarControl']/table[tbody[tr[td[text()='October 2012']]]]/descendant::a[text()='5']")).click();


Calendar PopUp - 2 (Customized wait)

 In a Calender if we want to click on future month which is not currently displayed, we need to click on next link until we get the required month.
           This can be done by writing Customized wait. Check for particular date element in each month, if not found move to next month.

/*makemytrip calendar*/

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.findElement("deptDateRtripimgExact")).click(); //find Calendar
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
boolean flag=true;
  try {
WebElement el = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class,'ui-datepicker-group') and descendant::span[text()='March']]/descendant::a[text()='5']")); // Required future date
if(el !=null)   //Check if the required date element is found or not
       {; // if required Date is found, then click  the date
catch (Exception e) { //Catches exception if no element found
try {
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[@title='Next']")).click(); //Click on next month
catch (InterruptedException e1) 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block


12. Drop Down MENU

 In order to click on an menu item, first we need to move the mouse over Parent menu, later we can click on any of the Menu child item.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Fetch the MENU Parent element and create a WebElement object.
4. Create an Action object for Driver
5. Through Action object, move to Parent element.
6. Give a Delay for menu items to be displayed.
7. Fetch the Child item through xpath and Click on it.

WebElement parentMenu = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Tourist Trains"));
Actions act = new Actions(driver); // Create an Action object
//move to the parent menu item
Thread.sleep(3000);   //wait till the child items are displayed
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Bharat Tirth")).click();


13. Context Click (Right Click)

We can use keyboard keys to Make a Right Click.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. Fetch the MENU Parent element and create a WebElement object.
4. Create an Action Object for Driver.
5. Through Action Object, make a Context Click on Menu Parent object.
6. Through Action Object, send keys for ARROW_DOWN/ARROW_UP/Keys.ENTER.


WebElement parentMenu = driver.findElement(By.linkText("Tourist Trains"));

Actions act = new Actions(driver); //Create Action object for Driver

act.contextClick(parentMenu).build().perform(); //Context Click



14. JAVA SCRIPT example

We can use java script command to perform actions.
We can write code to fill up the text box through java script.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. Create Java Script executor object for the Driver.
4. Store the Java Script command in a String Variable.
5. Java Script Executor object executes the command in the Variable.

JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String jsCmd = "document.getElementsByName('city')[0].value='ban'";


15. Multiple Elements

We can count the number of links present in the page. We can also print the link text of each Web link.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. Fetch elements with tag //a in the entire page, store it in a List.
4. Get the count of Links present in the Page.
5. Loop through the links and print the Attributes 

List<WebElement> allLinks= driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a"));
//display the count of links in the page
//display the text for each link on the page
for(int i=0;i<allLinks.size();i++)
        //display href for each link
//display text for each link
//perform click action



16. Other Browser (Internet Explorer)

Using Internet Explorer with Web Driver.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.
1. Set System Property for the Driver and give path of the IE Driver.
2. Create an Web Driver Object.
3. Open an URL

System.setProperty("", "D:\\sel\\browserdrivers\\IEDriverServer.exe");

WebDriver driver =new InternetExplorerDriver();


17. Other Browser (Chrome)

Using Chrome with Web Driver.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Set System Property for the Driver and give path of the Chrome Driver.
2. Create an Web Driver Object.
3. Open an URL

System.setProperty("", "D:\\sel\\browserdrivers\\Chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();


18. PROXY settings.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Import Selenium.Proxy
2. Create a Profile object for Firefox
3. Create a string variable with value.
4. Create a Proxy object.
5. Set the values through proxy.
6. Set the proxy preference to proxy object using profile object.
7. Pass the profile object to Firefox Driver.

import org.openqa.Selenium.Proxy

FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
String PROXY = "xx.xx.xx.xx:xx";
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);


19. Page Onload authentication

Sometimes when you are Automating Web pages, you may come across Page onload Authentication window. This window is not java popup/div. It is windows popup. Selenium directly cannot handle this windows popup.
Hence we use Autoit sowftware tool. Through Selenium we can handle this situation using Autoit.

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1.Download Autoit from the following URl
  ( )
2.Install downloaded software.
3. Open Script Editor
   Start=>ProgramFiles=>AutoIt =>SciTE Script Editor.
4.Open Object Identifier.
  Start=>ProgramFiles=>AutoIt =>AutoIt Window Info.
5.Drag and Drop finder tool in AutoIt Window Info, to the Window you need to     identify.
6.Collect the Title Name of window from (AutoIt Window Info.)
7.Write the Script in the Editor.
----------------------------------------------------AUTOIT CODE-----------------------------------------------------

WinWaitActive("Authentication Required")
Send("{TAB} admin{TAB} {ENTER}")

8.Save the file as default save.(Authentication1.exe)
9.RUN/Compile the SCRIPT, it creates an exe.
10.Mention the exe path in the Program before creation of Driver.


Process P = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("D:\\java_prj\\SELENIUM WEBDRIVER\\AUTOIT\\Authentication1.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();


20. File Download

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create a PROFILE object of Browser.
2. Set Preference, by giving Download destination Directory.
3. Set Preference, by giving Default Folder. 0 => Desktop, 1=>System Default Location, 2 => Indicates a custom Folder Location
4. Set Preference, A comma-separated list of MIME types to save to disk without asking what to use to open the file. Default value is an empty string.

After coding the above mentioned steps, now start the driver and click on Download button/link.
1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. Fetch the Download web element and click.

FirefoxProfile Prof = new FirefoxProfile();
Prof.setPreference("", "D:\\java prj");
Prof.setPreference("", 2);

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(Prof);


21. File Upload

Please follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. Store the Source path of file in a variable.
4. Fetch the Upload web element text box and give path using variable.
5. Fetch the upload button and click

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String FilePath = "C:\\Users\\abc\\Desktop\\test.xml";

22. Handling JAVA ALERT

Sometimes you may get alerts as anticipated(through Insert/update/delete operation in database). These may be JAVA alerts.
Please follow the steps mentioned below to handle  Alerts.

1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla).
2. Go to the URL.
3. You get an alert asking to click on 'YES' or 'NO' button.
4. First Confirm if it is JAVA alert window.
5. Write a code to switch the control to Alert window.
6. In the Alert window, either ACCEPT by clicking on 'YES'
    or CANCEL by clicking on 'NO'.

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();

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